JACQUELOU FERNANDO 11822 48 ST NW Cell: 780-938-2682 Edmonton AB T5W 2Y5 jacqueloufernando0231@gmail.com HIGHLIGHTS OF QUALIFICATIONS Registered Nurse —Philippines 8 years of experienced in hospital settings—Delivery Room, Neonatal Intensive Unit and Intensive Care Unit Experienced taking care of children—newborn and toddler Passed International English Language Test System (IELTS)—Band Score of 6.0 Certified First AID and CPR Family oriented, organized, reliable, complex problem solver, dependable, EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE Caregiver Calgary, Alberta Two children (7 months and 2 years old) May 22, 2019–July 8, 2019 • Prepare nutritious meals and feed them on time • Bathe, dress, and assist with self-care and hygiene • Change diapers, bottle feeding, and routine nap and feeding times • Prepare for outings—going to the park • Teach sensory activities and play with them • Sing rhythm and lullabies songs • Light housekeeping, cooking, and laundry • Introduce fun literacy activities and outside activities Registered Nurse Marawi, Philippines Amai PakPak Medical Center May 1, 2011–Feb 2, 2019 • Receive endorsement of critically ill patient from ER • Take and record vital signs of patient through the cardiac monitor • Start or reinsert intravenous lines • Assist physicians in examining patients • Identify patient health problems through nursing assessment • Assist physicians in Emergency Intubation • Operate effectively and carefully in the mechanical ventilator • Treat wounds and assist in setting up life support equipment • Reads ECG tracing and has knowledge for drug administration • Feed patient through Nasogastric tube, groom and bath • Act as patient advocate and provide education to patients and their families • Assist physician in performing emergency special procedure—inserting a chest tube thoracostomy • Order diagnostic tests and ensure that all life support equipment is in proper working order • Administer and charts accurately treatments, medications, and patient’s reaction to medications • Observe proper technique in performing special procedure—blood transfusion and administering total parenteral nutrition through peripheral venous line EDUCATION AND TRAINING BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Iligan, Philippines Lyceum of Iligan Foundation March 2010—Graduated Bachelor of Arts in Political Science Marawi, Philippines Marawi University Two Years Basic Life Support Training-Health Providers First Aid and CPR Advanced Cardiac Life Support Electrical Therapy and AED TRANSFERABLE SKILLS • Prioritize duties to organize daily needs of the children/employer • Work well independently and/or within a cooperative of my employer • Handle behavioural issues—know and assist the situation • Patience and Passionate—loves to do activities that suit for the child and do learning activities